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1 product with 1 stock and 5 attributs without stock, possible ?


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is it possible to make a product with an unique stock (like a simple product) but with 5 attributs (with no stock) without going for 5 differents "package" ?

(I'm working with prestashop

Thanks in advance.

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I'm selling marble touch switches that i create, my limiting stock is the marble (like 10 red Verone facade for exemple) and i have 5 to 10 attributes for the electronic (1gang 1way, 1gang 2way, etc...).

Client need to chose one of those attributes, but the only stock impacted should be the marble since i create the electronic as needed. So no stock for the attributes.

If not possible a global stock on the attributes (like 10 for this exemple) that decrease evenly when a product with one of the attributes is purchased would work too.

I tried the "package" thing but since i have lots of "singleton" facade it's hell when you have to have 5+ "packages" for only one real product of stock "1".

I have seen module like "Single stock Attributes" which sound marvellous but saddly it isn't working on

Dont know if i'm clear, english isn't my mother language.

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