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PrestaShop GDPR module does not use translations


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Hi fellow Presta users!

I am trying to translate my site. Otherwise things have been going decently, but for some reason I can't get GDPR translations to show in Front Office. In Back Office they are saved and showed OK. I have only 1 language in my shop, and translations are made in my currently used theme. I also tried to edit template file to use the new way of finding translations (mod='psgdpr' => d='Modules.Gdpr.Front'), but it does not fix the issue. I also tried to empty cache, but no difference.

PrestaShop version:

Official GDPR Compliance version: 1.1.3

Has anybody come across the same issue and found a solution? Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated! :)

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  • 9 months later...

Ok, finally found a solution that works for me. I had to use the old translation system. However, it's not that straight forward to get there and it might not work for all (or newer) versions. Following the steps I took:

  • International > Translations > Installed Modules
  • Select a module that uses the old translation system. For me "Cron Task Manager" worked. Choose your language and click on edit.
  • Scroll to the very bottom of the page.
  • Select module psgdpr from the dropdown and click on change translation.
  • Translate as desired and click on save when done.
  • Refresh the appropriate site in FO and check if it works.

I hope that this might help anyone else facing the same issue until it finally get's fixed by prestashop.


PS: My back office language is German. So apologies if any of the translations (e.g. buttons) does not match the correct English text.

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  • 1 month later...

Dear migo, 

Thank you very much, IT WORKS !.   👏👏👏👏

Thanks to your explanation I have managed to make the translation work.

It is incredible how difficult it has been to find this valuable information. And that from the PRESTASHOP support they do not provide any solution.

Thanks a million from Spain


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  • 5 months later...

I have the same problem with one module but funny thing is that translation for this module worked on my vps server but I had some internal error at validation page: 

However I installed prestashop on other server and I have no more problem with the order validation page but now I have problem with a module translation.. it always stays in english language. When I check translated files of the module its all translated as it should be but not used in front page. I use prestashop I tested on but the same problem.


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  • 11 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi, the solution is pretty simple. 

1) Edit modules/psgdpr/psgdpr.php file and add your transalations for defined iso_code row in $presetMessageAccountCreation and $presetMessageAccountCustomer arrays.

Example: Add 'cz' iso_code to psgdpr module and assign translated text.

private $presetMessageAccountCreation = [
        'en' => 'I agree to the terms and conditions and the privacy policy',        
        'cz' => 'Souhlasím s podmínkami a zásadami ochrany osobních údajů',
        'cb' => 'I agree to the terms and conditions and the privacy policy',
        'es' => 'Acepto las condiciones generales y la política de confidencialidad',
        'ag' => 'Acepto las condiciones generales y la política de confidencialidad',
        'br' => 'Acepto las condiciones generales y la política de confidencialidad',
        'mx' => 'Acepto las condiciones generales y la política de confidencialidad',
        'de' => 'Ich akzeptiere die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und die Datenschutzrichtlinie',
        'qc' => 'Acepto las condiciones generales y la política de confidencialidad',
        'fr' => 'J\'accepte les conditions générales et la politique de confidentialité',
        'it' => 'Accetto le condizioni generali e la politica di riservatezza',
        'nl' => 'Ik accepteer de Algemene voorwaarden en het vertrouwelijkheidsbeleid',
        'pl' => 'Akceptuję ogólne warunki użytkowania i politykę prywatności',
        'pt' => 'Aceito as condições gerais e a política de confidencialidade',
        'ru' => 'Я соглашаюсь на использование указанных в этой форме данных компанией xxxxx для (i) изучения моего запроса, (ii) ответа и, при необходимости, (iii) управления возможными договорными отношениями.',

2) Go to Prestashop Admin > Modules > Manage modules > select GDPR module > Select 'Restore original' option in dropdown menu. 


Edited by fefrik2012 (see edit history)
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  • 2 years later...

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