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Hello to everyone, 

someone know how to force the customers browser to reload de cache? we modified our website but some customers cant show the modify and we cant ask to clear the browser history or make a forced refresh because if they turn on the pc is already a miracle... our website: enotecacostantinipiero.it 

i already did a manual clean of the cache/compile and smarty, forced the compile but nothing works... thanks

the image is like usually we have the options


Movavi ScreenShot 005 - Prestazioni • Enoteca Costantini - enotecacostantinipiero.it.jpg



Hello to everyone, 

someone know how to force the customers browser to reload de cache? we modified our website but some customers cant show the modify and we cant ask to clear the browser history or make a forced refresh because if they turn on the pc is already a miracle... our website: enotecacostantinipiero.it 

i already did a manual clean of the cache/compile and smarty, forced the compile but nothing works... thanks

the image is like usually we have the options

Movavi ScreenShot 005 - Prestazioni • Enoteca Costantini - enotecacostantinipiero.it.jpg

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