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Does PS have the possibility 1 product = multi units or is it a develop issue


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I was wondering. Prestashop has so many settings, that what I'm after could already be a possibility. Please tell me something - a hick up is better than silence :)

Some of our products are packs of units. Is it possible for setting the product up to either:

  1. product A is a pack of 6 for 24€ - show unit_price on [product list] - as the competition sale is 1 for 5€ (our price will seem more expensive though it's cheaper!) 
  2. Product A (still pack of 6) is set to 4€ - but you need to buy 6 - can Qty count by +6? (minimum start 6->12->18->24->.....)
  3. Product B have Specific Prices (Qty 25, 50, 100) - Can Product List show a From Price?


Thanks so much for your input


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