I have more than 10 websites associated with emails with sendgrid of which I configure them all myself and I can assure you that it works perfectly with prestashop.
the configuration is long but I will try to make a video in Spanish to help you with this topic.
I just searched the net and there is nothing about this and I see that it is important and even on the official sengrid page it does not tell you anything for prestashop. only for other cms.
if you confirm that you can understand Spanish.
I will upload the video here and to my channel. PRESTADEMIA
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I have more than 10 websites associated with emails with sendgrid of which I configure them all myself and I can assure you that it works perfectly with prestashop.
the configuration is long but I will try to make a video in Spanish to help you with this topic.
I just searched the net and there is nothing about this and I see that it is important and even on the official sengrid page it does not tell you anything for prestashop. only for other cms.
if you confirm that you can understand Spanish.
I will upload the video here and to my loan channel.