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Strange background CSS issue

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I am using a background image for my website and beneath the image i would like to change the background colour.

The background image is not tiled or repeated however and the background colour still displays as white when the page is longer than the background image.

Here is my CSS

body {
background-image:url(http://www.urltoimage.com/back.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat;
   font-size: 11px;
   font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif;
   color: #ffffff;

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You have missed a "#" before the hex-code in background-color.

body {
background-image:url(http://www.urltoimage.com/back.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat;
font-size: 11px;
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif;
color: #ffffff;

TIP: Use http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ to track errors in your CSS.

If you us Firefox as your browser, you can download Firebug (www.firebug.com) as debugger.



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