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Adding Extra Products after the carrier - 3rd step of the Checkout


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Hi Guys 

I'm trying to add some extra products after the carriers during the 3rd step of the checkout process. I was looking for some module which will handle this but no luck so I decided to edit the steps.tpl file.
I have added two products below the carrier, but I'm not able to create the link which will add the product to the cart. 
I'm using PS_1.7.6.2 so there is not possible to copy the ADD TO CART button link from desired product.
I have created the link using mentioned below formulas:



The links are working both for logged in and not logged in users which is fine.

The problem is: 

After clicking the link the user is redirected back to the cart. Is there any chance to add the product to the cart and stay at the current position of the checkout process?
Or maybe there is an module which can handle this? 

Thanks for your time guys! 
King Regards


Edited by Maryando (see edit history)
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8 minutes ago, ndiaga said:

So create  a  custome  hook   and  call the  module  where  you  want.

I didn't said that I can't add the content there. I can use the default Presta module called Custom Text Blocks and add whatever I need. 

I can also add anything by editing .tpl file, but this is not what I need.

So I'm able to add the content there this question is not how to add the content after the carriers.


I added the images there showing the product and all I need to do it now is to add the link there, which will add this product to the customer cart without redirecting back to the cart. Because at this moment customer is nearly at the end of the 4 step checkout process. This is actually 3rd step. 

Using the links like above I'm redirected to the cart which is not what i want....I need customer to be able to add this product to the basket and continue the checkout process without going back.

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