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Massive price change using PHPmyadmin 1.6.24

Juan Rios1

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I have about 500 products, and am going to be changing around 300 prices. 

I want to use PHPmyadmin to do so.

I went into the table "ps_products" and see the column 'price' which represents the price before taxes. I tried to change it, but no change is reflected on teh actual store. 

I tried to change the same products price using the backoffice and it does update the 'price' column on the database.


Is there a column I'm missing? 

I'm using prestashop version 1.6.24

Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

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I'm going to be changing around 300 product prices on my prestashop and realized it will be much easier to do it via phpmyadmin,

This is an example of the command I used to one product.

UPDATE `ps_product` SET `price` = '866.379000' WHERE `ps_product`.`id_product` = 498;

It was succesfull, but the price on the actual product didn't change. I have to use the backoffice for it to change.

Am I missing a table which I must update or something?

I'm using prestashop 1.6.24


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I'm going to be changing around 300 product prices on my prestashop and realized it will be much easier to do it via phpmyadmin,

This is an example of the command I used to one product.

UPDATE `ps_product` SET `price` = '866.379000' WHERE `ps_product`.`id_product` = 498;

It was succesfull, but the price on the actual product didn't change. I have to use the backoffice for it to change.

Am I missing a table which I must update or something?

I'm using prestashop 1.6.24


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UPDATE ps_product t1, ps_product_shop t2 SET 
t1.price = '866.379000',
t2.price = t1.price

WHERE t2.id_product = t1.id_product and t1.id_product = '498'
Edited by Guest (see edit history)
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Rather than taking a cannon on a fly, it is better to write a script and import a csv file.
Just two columns, one with the product id and the other with the price.

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