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MySql trigger for newly imported products

MG Markets

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Hello everybody,

I want to create a trigger which should deactivate all new inserted products. Also add those new products to a hidden category only visible in Backend.

So i made this...

CREATE TRIGGER deactivate_new_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON ps_product
UPDATE ps_product_shop SET active=0 WHERE id_product=NEW.id_product;                                                <-----does it affect only new inserted rows?
INSERT INTO ps_category_product (id_category, id_product, position) VALUES ('741', NEW.id_product, ???) WHERE id_product=NEW.id_product;  <---- which value for position?

My goal is that i can list and check all new products imported before activating them.

Does the Trigger affect only new inserted rows? Which value should i use for position?  Are there better options than a trigger to reach my goal? 

Thank you very much!



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