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hookActionProductAdd doesn't trigger in PS 1.7.4


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Hi, we are trying to modify product ID when user manually add's a product via BO.

I found the hook  public function hookActionProductAdd($params), but it doesn't trigger at all. I have registered this hook in our module and reset the module after that, even reinstalled.

Test I did:

 public function hookActionProductAdd($params){
        $product = $params['product'];
        $productID = 10000 + $params['id_product'];
        $product->id = $productID;

Is this something you have encountered and how do we overcome this?

All help is appreciated :)

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this event is well triggered,

but in some cases on hooks,var_dump will not show, try to use

die('Event actionProductAdd Fired');

after your var_dump().

Then you should be able to show your var_dump().

& have a look if you get an override in (override/controllers/admin/AdminProductsController.php on "public function processAdd()"

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