Hello, i dont know what happened to my shop.
Overnight all my product images dont work, no matter what i do. I didnt do any changes to my shop for multiple days.
I restored backups from yesterday and 2 weeks ago. Images stay broken.
Here is what i tried:
-Add a new product with a fresh picture -> stays without picture.
-Replace a picture on existing product -> stays without picture.
-Regenerate Thumbnails or all pictures -> stays without pictures.
Google Chrome says in the Dev Tools:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
-> Doing that i realized that the paths it tries to access are wrong.
I tried to replicate the problem of the new product:
I add a new product Icecream, it gets the ID 94 in Prestashop and i add the picture 4-eis.jpg
Prestashop uploads the picture to:
I check on the FTP Folder, the image is really in that folder.
Now i go to the shop, see the product without a picture and the server tries to find it under:
This folder does not exist ofc and also it doesnt even have /img/p/
And by the way: In the backend all pictures are still there.
What is happeing here?
Im wondering since even backups from two weeks ago dont solve the problem
I really hope you guys can help me, i will try to provide all needed information if i missed something.
Thank you so much!