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Remove KPI from Orders Dashboard

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When I Go to Orders The page isn't completly loaded until the PKI data is loaded.

For some strange reason it takes a lot of time.

The part that gets to much time to load is this the "getkpi":

conversion_rate: 20 seconds to load
abandoned_cart: 20 seconds to load
average_order_value: 20 seconds to load
netprofit_visit: 7 seconds to load

Is there any way to remove it?

I already filled a bug but still waiting for reply

PrestaShop version:

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For the record I got a reply on github saying that they didn't find the issue on version !! 

I'm using the currently supported version.

No workarround provided, nothing.... incredible.


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  • 1 month later...

As follow-up the issue was LOCKED by matks stating:


I am locking this conversation because I can see some heated comments very harsh and that do not comply with our Code of Conduct.


Which it doesn't. Check Code of Conduct.

The most amazing thing was:

1 - The issue was LOCKED after a different person commented on the fact that the issue wasn't solved on the 1.7.6.x branch. 

2 - The "official" reply was:


"This issue cannot be reproduced in" --> this means the issue has been fixed. There's nothing more to discuss.


Which is amazing because it is still a beta (?) version.

3 - In this kind of situations there's always the saying of "this is not a commercial product..." even though that's true there's a business model behind Prestashop. I've been buying modules from the official marketplace so, it's really a fallacy saying that this not a commercial product. 

4 - I'm just finishing with your own code of conduct: "Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences".

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Surely someone must know how to disable this KPI container from all of the backoffice pages? It takes several minutes (most of the time) to load the values in that box :( It is very time consuming to do any work in backend because of this.

Many thanks in advance,

Best regards,

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  On 6/18/2020 at 11:24 AM, Jontee said:

Hi, I have the same exact problem with two of my stores, have you found a solution to this yet?


Best regards,


As you can see here: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/18956

It's supposedly solved on 😆

So no one cared to provide a fix for this.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 months later...

In your /public_html/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Sell/Order/Order
is file index.html.twig


this block

  {% block orders_kpi %}
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-md-12">
        <div class="card">
          <div class="row orders-kpi">
            {{ render(controller(
              { 'kpiRow': orderKpi }
            )) }}
  {% endblock %}

Is responsible for showing kpi on order pages in back office. You may need to override this index.html.twig maybe using this tutorial


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  • 2 years later...

This is long time coming but if it helps anyone using this documentation page : https://devdocs.prestashop-project.org/1.7/modules/concepts/controllers/kpi-blocks/#alter-an-existing-kpi-row

I've been adding to one of my module theses two : 

public function hookActionOrdersKpiRowModifier(array $params)
	$params['kpis'] = [];

public function hookActionCustomersKpiRowModifier(array $params)
	$params['kpis'] = [];

along with the proper registerHook calls at installation, and it disables the loading of the KPIs on customers and orders pages. It leaves an ugly container, improperly sized, but at least it's not load speed delay.

I'll prolly add some CSS at some point to hide theses empty containers.

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