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In order to optimize loading times on our website, we try to remove Google Maps Javascript which is strangely called on all pages on our website. We don't use Google Maps so we would like to block this Javascript call, but we didn't find any way to remove it (we checked stores.js and StoresController.php files). Here our website https://moodntone.com/fr/

Any idea about where this code could come from ?

Thanks a lot for your help !

Capture d’écran 2020-05-05 à 16.02.38.png




In order to optimize loading times on our website, we try to remove Google Maps Javascript which is strangely called on all pages on our website. We don't use Google Maps so we would like to block this Javascript call, but we didn't find any way to remove it (we checked stores.js and StoresController.php files). Here our website https://moodntone.com/fr/

Thanks a lot for your help !

Capture d’écran 2020-05-05 à 16.02.38.png

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