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Alternative category grouping

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I'd like to have an alternative category grouping for my products. Let's see some example.



Given this category structure:

-- Cat 1

--- subcat a

--- subcat b

--- subcat c

--- subcat d

-- Cat 2

--- subcat e

--- subcat f

--- subcat g


I'd like to have a Group containing only subcat b, subcat d and subcat g, in a way when navigate the group I can see all the products within those categories.



Given the following categories:

- Cat 1

- Cat 2

- Cat 3

- Cat 4


I'd like to create a group containing Cat 2 and Cat 4.

I can't turn Cat 1, Cat 2, Cat 3 and Cat 4 into child categories of a new category, because datas are imported every day from an external platform.

Any suggestion?
Thank you

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