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Translate "Search" in Search Bar Module, no found.

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Hi guys!

I need your help about translate the Search Bar Module. I need change te name button "search" to spanish language "Buscar" as the rest theme. My theme is translate to Spanish language, but I have some parts in English until. 

I'm working in this page http://doubleaa.es/es/ with the Autoclue theme. Througt the intenational > translate to prestashop, I find the module translate, but this not found. Ever I've the advertising "1  LACK". I save the change, but nothing. Nothing result. I lookin for the foro, I found same topics about this theme. But any found. I broseing in the files module (modules - > ps_searchbar) and I find the folder "translate" into the folders module with the file es.php, but this is emply.

Please you can help me? I don't know do.



Anotación 2020-05-03 155459.png

Anotación 2020-05-03 155459-1.png

Anotación 2020-05-03 155459-2.png

Anotación 2020-05-03 155459-3.png

Edited by byeve
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