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BLANK PAGE and no support from PRESTASHOP team !

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hello, I upgrade to PS 1.4, than I try to istall the only one free theme available for 1.4 (not anymore listed in presta shop modules and theme web site...)

from them my front office is only a blank page. I remove this theme and also I modify Smatry 2 and Smarty 3
using the smarty 2 my front office is a blank page with the following message:

Fatal error: Smarty error: [in /home/web/shops.prestabox.com/ologrammi.prestabox.com/modules/blockcategoriestop/blockcategoriestop.tpl line 6]: syntax error: unrecognized tag: $link->getCategoryLink($blockcategoriestop_category.id_category, $blockcategoriestop_category.link_rewrite, $cookie->id_lang ) (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 446) in /home/web/shops.prestabox.com/ologrammi.prestabox.com/tools/smarty_v2/Smarty.class.php on line 1095

using Smarty 3 my front office is a blank page.
I have wrote several time to the support service without any reply, I really dont know what to do now...
- - - -
the other solution is to delete my shop https://ologrammi.prestabox.com/ and remake a new one, but how I can keep the same url name?

Any help will be much appreciate.


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