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Attributes not showing taxes

Funieru Bogdan

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Hello, i'm having a weird problem. tight now i'm using presta in a product with combinations and i'm adding attributes to the product, because it is easier to manage if you have different types of weight packaging. 


I had worked with version and i got all the prices to show as i wanted, with the taxes included. I had updated presta to and for a while, the prices were showing correctly i think, but now i'm getting the prices without the taxes. 

At the quick preview i get this:


In the attribute if i click to edit it, i get that the price without taxe is the final one, and the one with included tax is another. and i get the final retail price to be the one without taxes. 



And my products that's how they appear, without taxes. The store is set to show taxes. In localization i hit taxes to be shown, in groups, every group has taxes enabled. If i disable it, it still shows the prices without the taxes, and if i enable it, it shows the same prices, without taxes. The show is set to not allow for the browser to set the language, or localization, and i've set where it should be. I had tested this in incognito mode without me being logged in.


I get the product, and it claims to have the taxes, but it doesn't as it can be seen from the pictures above:



Please a little help with this. 

Thank you



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It seems you were right, there was one city missing, after adding it to the VAT rule, it started to display all the prices as intended. I still think this is a bug, because not even after checking where i wanted the shipping to go, the price still was displayed at the without the VAT added.

Cheers, and thanks again

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