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Maybe someone help which sql query should i put in sql manager? Changing all position of certain idcategoryparent dosent change position in BO at all. Maybe it happens because UPDATE method used by phpmyadmin not allowed. thanks


Well seems change postions of categories "kinda" worked. What i did, created a new subcategory then i turn on and off rest of subcategories, after that i can change position by drap and drop from BELOW to the TOP(from top to below doesnt work) all the categories and after reload the page they stayed when i left them.



Maybe someone help which sql query should i put in sql manager? Changing all position of certain idcategoryparent dosent change position in BO at all. Maybe it happens because UPDATE method used by phpmyadmin not allowed. thanks



Maybe someone help which sql query should i put in sql manager? Changing all position of certain idcategoryparent dosent change position in BO at all. thanks

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