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Catalog Price rules not qorking


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Hi everyone. I'm going mad over some catalog price rules that suddenly stopped working when I re uploaded my whole catalog through .csv

My rules were working just fine before that, but now none are showing. The curious thing is they come back if I go into the catalog and manually hit save without making any changes, which is driving me crazy because it makes me think the solution should be trivial but I don't know what it is. Entering product by product isn't a scalable solution even-though I don't have a huge catalog. 

Has this happened to anyone and can point me in the right direction?

I'm using Prestashop and everything was working fine until a few hours ago.


Thanks in advance, 



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This is partially solved now. I still don't know the root cause, but it might help someone.

I entered to all my catalog rules, which are configured to run with a quantity=0 , went to edit and all were showing ass quantity 1. I re entered 0 and hit save. All of my discounts are now up and running. 

I just don't really understand the reason, considering that the discounts were showing fine if I entered any product and just hit save which means. that the rules wasn't to blame on the first place. My guess is the system just doesn't like 0 as a quantity in the rules. It calculates the rule when you tell it too, but any other change messes things up.


I hope this helps someone!


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