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Help... When an order is placed, it isn't recording in Back Office.

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I really need help here...

Whenever a customer registers and places an order, the PayPal payment is processed and the PayPal Payment Notification e-mail comes to me, but the order isn't registered in the back office. Also, there are no order confirmation e-mails created or sent.

Please help if you can.

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I had originally upgraded, but due to an incredible number of issues at the time I did a fresh install.

Orders can be placed... There is no issue on the client side.

But there is simply no reporting whatsoever inside the back office.

Shopping cart is created but beyond that there is nothing.

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I am using the default PayPal 2.4 module that is integrated with, although I haven't entered all of the API details, only the e-mail address attached tot he account.

Chosen Solution is: Payments by credit cards: CB , Visa, Mastercard and PayPal account

Sandbox mode (tests): Inactive
Payment type: Direct (sales)

PayPal account e-mail: COMPLETED

Activation of API calls:

API Username: BLANK

API Password: BLANK

API Signature: BLANK

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I am not sure what else it could be without adding some debug code to see if the file that is support to generates the order /modules/paypal/validation.php gets called.

You may want to check the settings on the paypal site as I know you can enter a callback URL there somewhere, maybe it's pointing to the wrong place.

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I appreciate your efforts on this anyway!

Just one thing... Surely PayPal wouldn't stop the order creation in the back office?!?! I can understand the order creation e-mail failure, but wouldn;t the order itself be created in the Back office regardless of the payment status?

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I appreciate your efforts on this anyway!

Just one thing... Surely PayPal wouldn't stop the order creation in the back office?!?! I can understand the order creation e-mail failure, but wouldn;t the order itself be created in the Back office regardless of the payment status?

The order only gets created when paypal contacts your site and sends a "payment approved" command.
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I am using the default PayPal 2.4 module that is integrated with, although I haven't entered all of the API details, only the e-mail address attached tot he account.

Chosen Solution is: Payments by credit cards: CB , Visa, Mastercard and PayPal account

Sandbox mode (tests): Inactive
Payment type: Direct (sales)

PayPal account e-mail: COMPLETED

Activation of API calls:

API Username: BLANK

API Password: BLANK

API Signature: BLANK

Why don't you try to input your PayPal API, password, signature and then test with both sandbox and live mode. It's so weird the order can be placed when all these parameters is empty.
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