4 hours ago, CedCommerce Team said:Hello there,
Hope you are fine.
Problem 1)
sitemap: https://www.wdracing.eu/it/module/lgsitemaps/sitemap?fc=module&name=sitemap_1
Google says that some pages are blocked by robot.txt file
for example link: https://www.wdracing.eu/it/pastiglie-e-pinze-freno/25646-distanziale-braking-honda-crf-19-270mm.html
our robot.txt file: https://www.wdracing.eu/robots.txt
When using googlebot tool, it doen not find errors
what can we do ?
Reply: The URL you have given in example is for search query of your website and also it is blocked by Robots.txt as we have checked, but this is not a problem it should be blocked.
REPLY 2 : you are right. but what if i want that products to be index ? beacause we have made a lot of redirects to that products from old website. beacause they are "general" product that send to a specific product when you select your bike. i can consider to allow the search query in robot.txt ?
problem 2)
some pages are not valid. we have:
23691 valid pages
4200 pages with errors
8024 exluded pages
Reply: What type of pages they are? Can you show me here.
REPLY 2: yes see below
problem 3)
If from search console we go in --> products--> missing field description, brand and others, i see 0 valid pages e 20000 valid with warnings.
we have a lot of link of category and not products. see image below
here i have found a similar problem but is not clear how to fix it: https://support.google.com/webmasters/thread/7159245?hl=en
Reply: There are some missing fields in your product schema why search console shows a warning. You need to contact your developer regarding this.
REPLY 2: i have read that one of these modules can solve the product schema problem:
4 hours ago, CedCommerce Team said:do you agree ? what do you suggest ?
problem 4)
if i analyze a product link i see a lot of products and not only the one i have analyzed. see below link
Reply: Same as reply 4
problem 5 )
really few of the product images are on google images
Please can you help me ?
Reply: Need to check product schema whether property is set for images or not.
REPLY 2 I think that they are related to previus errors. if we solve them the images will be index
Hello, please see my answers REPLY 2