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PS 1.7 admin brand & supplier error


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I try to visit brand & supplier page in back office and I get the follow error , 
all this started after I try to shorter results  base on IDs 
its a prestα
I migrating from 1.6 ,  and this shorting issues had also in categories page but when I uploaded  again the Database records, error message stopped  and i can see now the categories, but the filter block stuck to display the active categories only 

Video from categories https://take.ms/NWQwC


brand & supplier error:
An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT a.id_address, m.name, a.firstname, a.lastname, a.postcode, a.city, cl.name as country FROM ps_address a LEFT JOIN ps_country_lang cl ON cl.id_country = a.id_country AND cl.id_lang = ? LEFT JOIN ps_manufacturer m ON m.id_manufacturer = a.id_manufacturer WHERE (a.id_customer = 0) AND (a.id_supplier = 0) AND (a.id_warehouse = 0) AND (a.deleted = 0) ORDER BY id_manufacturer asc LIMIT 50 OFFSET 0' with params [1]:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'id_manufacturer' in order clause is ambiguous

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