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added Spanish translation.

I am a Prestashop user since version 1.2 and had three shops in Prestashop that I planned to upgrade to PS 1.7. Once I upgraded the first shop, it was a step backwards. The themes are significantly different. Only some of the code has moved to the new Symfony templating system so customizing the back office themes is a real challenge. Shop performance and load times were significantly longer. I wanted to stay with Prestashop, but due to problems, and loss of features that worked and were free in the previous release, had no choice but to move to something different.

Next I updated the shop to Thirty Bees 1.0.8. Follow the update directions on Thirty Bees. I customized the default community theme and am very happy with it. All shops are running the "bleeding edge" 1.10 version and work well. I have posted questions on the Thirty Bees forum and received prompt responses.

I'm sad to say the Prestashop took a big step backwards with the 1.7 release. With Thirty Bees all the previous orders, customers and products were retained in the shop. If you create a shop with Thirty Bees there are some good paid themes available if you don't want to create your own theme by modifying a free one.


Espanol using Google. Perdón por mi mal español

Soy un usuario de Prestashop desde la versión 1.2 y tenía tres tiendas en Prestashop que planeaba actualizar a PS 1.7. Una vez que actualicé la primera tienda, fue un paso atrás. Los temas son significativamente diferentes. Solo parte del código se ha trasladado al nuevo sistema de plantillas de Symfony, por lo que personalizar los temas de back office es un verdadero desafío. El rendimiento de la tienda y los tiempos de carga fueron significativamente más largos. Quería quedarme con Prestashop, pero debido a problemas y la pérdida de funciones que funcionaban y eran gratuitas en la versión anterior, no tuve más remedio que pasar a algo diferente.

A continuación, actualicé la tienda a Thirty Bees 1.0.8. Siga las instrucciones de actualización en Treinta abejas. Personalicé el tema predeterminado de la comunidad y estoy muy contento con él. Todas las tiendas están ejecutando la versión 1.10 "edge" y funcionan bien. He publicado preguntas en el foro de Treinta Abejas y he recibido respuestas rápidas.

Me entristece decir que Prestashop dio un gran paso atrás con la versión 1.7. Con Thirty Bees, todos los pedidos anteriores, clientes y productos se retuvieron en la tienda. Si crea una tienda con Treinta abejas, hay algunos temas bien pagados disponibles si no desea crear su propio tema modificando uno gratuito.



I am a Prestashop user since version 1.2 and had three shops in Prestashop that I planned to upgrade to PS 1.7.  Once I upgraded the first shop, it was a step backwards.  The themes are significantly different.  Only some of the code has moved to the new Symfony templating system so customizing the back office themes is a real challenge. Shop performance and load times were significantly longer. I wanted to stay with Prestashop, but due to problems, and loss of features that worked and were free in the previous release, had no choice but to move to something different.

Next I updated the shop to Thirty Bees 1.0.8.  Follow the update directions on Thirty Bees.  I customized the default community theme and am very happy with it.  All shops are running the "bleeding edge" 1.10 version and work well. I have posted questions on the Thirty Bees forum and received prompt responses.

I'm sad to say the Prestashop took a big step backwards with the 1.7 release.  With Thirty Bees all the previous orders, customers and products were retained in the shop. If you create a shop with Thirty Bees there are some good paid themes available if you don't want to create your own theme by modifying a free one.

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