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Is PrestaShop able to controll decimal stock?


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The situation is the following. We have a background system which controls all the coming orders,  storages, invoices ect. called Tharanis.
Our website and the storage are synchronized. In this system we can create a product and give extra information (eg.: this product consists of 5 pcs). There we can allow to be able to split the product.
Like someone want only one  pc of the given product so you open the package up and start selling it one by one. I create a new product so they can order it by 1. This time this product is made with "manufacturing" it means i give the ingredients from the current products. If the original product contains 5 pcs this should 1/5 (0.2). Our system controlls it smoothly, if there is 10 on stock and i purchase 1 single piece, it subtract 0.2 and the refreshed stock is 9.8 . PrestaShop1.6 does not want to allow decimal number, only whole numbers >=1. Throughout it does not change the stock in prestashop however it should because of the sync. It displays 10, but on the main site you can not put the product in cart. Any idea, solution? If the stock reaches 0,9999 the product would be displayed as out of stock because it means there is no whole pack (5pcs). It would help a lot with manufactured goods. We can handle splitable products under one product and it's clear.
Is PrestaShop able to controll decimal numbers?

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