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Changing the name "Startpage" to something else


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Hi. The initial page of prestashop shows up named as "Startseite" in my German installation (I have Prestashop How can I change that to something else?

A solution was mentioned: change the category using the Edit button in the breadcrumb of the categories in backend. 

Unfortunately it did not work for me. I renamed "Startseite" to "Shop" in categories, but in the frontend (breadcrumbs) it still remains "Startseite" even after emptying the cache of the browser and in the backend prestashop.

Where can this be changed?



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Many thanks, JBW, this worked. Honestly, never in my life I would have found that.

So for others with the same problem:

- In the backend go to international - translations

- in the first block "changing translations" choose part: "template translations" and your template and language, then click on the button to the right below.

- then search for the word you want to change

A problem though, if it is a word for which several results are found, it only shows one of them and I don't see how to get to the others. But in my case, there is only one result "startseite", I simply but in "Shop" instead, save and it's changed in frontend.


Edited by Thomahawk (see edit history)
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