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I wonder is it possible to have two (or more) stocks in Prestashop? For example - Main stock, and Stock2.

We have 100 pcs of productA in main stock and 200 in Stock2.


If Customer buys 50 pcs, theres left 50 in Main Stock, and still 200 in Stock2, but if Customer buys 150 pcs theres left 0 in Main Stock and 150 in Stock2.


I hope that You get what I need, any1 has some solution?

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On 4/18/2020 at 7:07 AM, jetway said:

Prestashop 1.7 core currently does not support more than one Warehouse but there might be an add-on Module that supports that behavior. 

Thank You for reply.

Do You know any module to make that?


And it was possible by default in Ps 1.6?

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