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Exisiting products can be edited - but not new ones added.


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Prestashop, theme Naturashop 3.7.1 by Prestacrea

When trying to add a new product, an error message appeares and nothing would be saved (though the existing products can be changed without that error message):

>Tab : ModulePronesisscheduledproducts (200)
>A server error occurred while loading the tabs: some tabs could not be loaded.
>Please try again by refreshing the page.
>If you are still encountering this problem, please check your server logs or contact your hosting provider for assistance.

Refreshing does not help neither re-logging in.

The seemingly related problem is that more often than not, product changes can not be saved. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. And it is AWFULLY boring if you have to save a change again and again before it finally saves. The problem is present in Chrome, in Firefox, in Opera - and mdekker's fix did not work for me. Disabling those two lines 

>submitHandler: function(form) {



had no effect on this behaviour.

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  • robinast changed the title to Exisiting products can be edited - but not new ones added.

FTP: Open file ./config/defines.inc.php


define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false);


define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);



Refresh admin page and click add product button.

Then write the entire error message here.

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here original defines.inc.php file:


I don't know your topic.
If you have installed it with sample data, it is 99% that it contains bugs and customized Prestashop kernel files. override function in override folder.
Have you contacted the topic developer?

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Actually, I installed and used the shop without problems, I think 5 years ago or so. Then, I did not use it last two years - and now, when I started to use it again, I have run into problems that were not present when I started to us it initially.

And now, I have not contacted the topic developer.


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It may have been allowed to update modules automatically.
Some of the modules do not work after the update.
Unfortunately I can not advise further.
You can upgrade your eshop to a higher version eg

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