Hello JBW, thank you very much. I have read it but "PS 1.7.x in detail:" is somehow very poor. I mean i can give more than memory_limit = 512M (since i have 32GB)... I have only 1560 products but would like to know max seetings that can be done.
This looks like for shared hosting or i am wrong?
memory_limit = 512M
max_execution_time = 300
max_input_time = 300
upload_max_filesize = 20M
post_max_size = 20M
max_input_vars = 10000
allow_url_fopen = on - with that you. can import images and other accesses externally
safe_mode = off
cURL - installed for you for example. Paypal and other web services work without problems.
mod_rewrite = installed and activated
mod_security = off
at least php 5.6.x* + php-fpm + opcache with its own values (see below), better performance with php 7.
mySQL 5.6 or higher (better performance with mySQL 5.7 or mariaDB)
ctype = ON
mySQL = INNODB (myIsam does not work correctly)
php.ini from the server must include the date.timezone
Open SSL 1.0.2 or higher
(Prestashop is not recommended on Windows servers)
cageFS and another FIREWALL technique installed on the server configured correctly so that the back-office is not slow by blocking external services that Prestashop uses. If in doubt, or back-office slow, please ask the provider of your accommodation if there are firewalls installed !!!