I forgot to add some details on csv import script.
I'm trying to import only simple products (no combination) without images .
In attach php script.
if (!defined('_PS_ADMIN_DIR_')) define('_PS_ADMIN_DIR_', __DIR__); require_once (_PS_ADMIN_DIR_.'/class.PSRequest.php'); /* DB Config */ $shopID = "1"; $adminUrl = '...'; $adminLoginEmail = '...'; $adminLoginPass = '...'; $request = new PSRequest(); $request->setCookieFileLocation(__DIR__.'/PScookie.txt'); $request->setPost(array("email" => $adminLoginEmail,"passwd" => $adminLoginPass, "submitLogin" => "Connexion")); $request->call($adminUrl."/index.php?controller=AdminLogin"); $request->call($adminUrl."/index.php?controller=AdminImport"); list(,$response) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $request->_webpage, 2); preg_match("/token=([a-z0-9]+)/", $response, $matches); $token = $matches[1]; $request->setPost(array( "controller" => "AdminImport", "token" => $token, 'skip' => '1', 'csv' => 'prodotti.csv', 'entity' => '1', 'separator' => ';', 'multiple_value_separator' => ',', 'iso_lang' => 'it', 'match_ref' => '1', 'regenerate' => '0', 'sendemail' => '1', "type_value" => array( 0 => 'reference', 1 => 'name', 2 => 'price', 3 => 'quantity' ) ) ); $request->call($adminUrl."/index.php?controller=AdminImport&token=".$token); $request->call($adminUrl."index.php?ajax=1&action=import&tab=AdminImport&offset=0&limit=5&token=".$token); echo "called AdminImport and POST datas..."; //TEST PURPOSE //write response output on file $file = fopen("importProducts.log", "w"); fwrite($file, $response); $request = null; ?>
I'm not php programmer and don't know Prestashop project structure, i'm studying php and prestashop for this reason need some help..
I can understand most of online code, and can reuse php scripts .. i think problem is that don't know very good php e prestashop, problem it's not money (i can pay anyone for doing this code) i want only support and do it alone.
If you can help me i'll thank you, if no it's ok .