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[SOLVED] Php script - Import products by csv


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Hello everyone,


i'm facing an issue by using an Import CSV php script (i run this script every 5 hour by cron) that connect user in admin page and import csv file inside certain folder.

Prestashop version:


1)   $request->setPost(array("email" => $adminLoginEmail,"passwd" => $adminLoginPass, "submitLogin" => "Connexion")); 

  2)   $request->call($adminUrl."/index.php?controller=AdminImport");
         list(,$response) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $request->_webpage, 2);
         preg_match("/token=([a-z0-9]+)/", $response, $matches);
        $token = $matches[1];

   3) $request->setPost(array(
                "controller" => "AdminImport",
                "token" => $token,
                  'skip' => '1',
                'csv' => 'prodotti.csv',
                'entity' => '1',
                'separator' => ';',
                'multiple_value_separator' => ',',
                'iso_lang' => 'it',
                'match_ref' => '1',
                'regenerate' => '0',
                'sendemail' => '1',
                "type_value" => array(                                
                  0 => 'reference',
                  1 => 'name',
                  2 => 'price',
                  3 => 'quantity'

4) curl to --> /index.php?controller=AdminImport&token=xxx"


All steps return a 200 http status , and i can see token got by admin login but anything was imported in my shop.

Step 4 response is the html content of the admin import page, i think there's a problem on import csv action..

Can anyone help me please?


Thanks a lot.

Edited by yeye412 (see edit history)
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Do not use webservice for cron jobs.
Write your own importer and enter your own key in it.
The key is then read and verified via $ _GET.
It's more lines of code, but safe.
There are enough examples in the forums to import CSV products. Just use search.

If you want to use webservice, the ws_key parameter is passed.
You get it in administration and webservice.
Here you create a new key.

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  On 4/13/2020 at 4:40 AM, Guest said:

Do not use webservice for cron jobs.
Write your own importer and enter your own key in it.
The key is then read and verified via $ _GET.
It's more lines of code, but safe.
There are enough examples in the forums to import CSV products. Just use search.

If you want to use webservice, the ws_key parameter is passed.
You get it in administration and webservice.
Here you create a new key.


Hi Tengler, thank you for reply.

I just used search for many days but I didn't found nothing for 1.7 vs.

I didn't understand your solution, if already exist can you share me some existing examples on web ?

Because I know web service solution and it's different , I don't have to login in administration panel to get token but  I've to use generated key in webservice menu (I already use it for export products).

In this case I'm trying to importing by calling import controller action as backoffice import page do, the only difference is the automation.


Thanks again for support :)

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Upload a code sample of how to process a CSV file in php.

If I see that you can program in PHP, I will write a piece of code.
If you can't program in PHP, I can't give advice and nobody will give you a solution without showing that you can program.

I'm sorry, but still looking for someone is rude.
The example for Prestashop 1.6 is also valid for Prestashop 1.7.
You do not write if you upload images and categorize products and much more.

I'm sorry, but still looking for someone is rude.
The example for Prestashop 1.6 is also valid for Prestashop 1.7.
You do not write if you upload images and categorize products and much more.

Two years ago I also met this personally and today I write codes one by one.


If you know you can't make it, it's better to hire someone to work.

Price varies between $ 20 - $ 30, depending on the complexity of the CSV file.


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I forgot to add some details on csv import script.

I'm trying to import only simple products (no combination) without images .

In attach php script.

if (!defined('_PS_ADMIN_DIR_'))
define('_PS_ADMIN_DIR_', __DIR__);
    require_once (_PS_ADMIN_DIR_.'/class.PSRequest.php');
    /* DB Config */
    $shopID = "1";
    $adminUrl = '...';
    $adminLoginEmail = '...';
    $adminLoginPass = '...';

    $request = new PSRequest();
    $request->setPost(array("email" => $adminLoginEmail,"passwd" => $adminLoginPass, "submitLogin" => "Connexion")); 

    list(,$response) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $request->_webpage, 2);
    preg_match("/token=([a-z0-9]+)/", $response, $matches);
    $token = $matches[1];

                "controller" => "AdminImport",
                "token" => $token,
      	    	'skip' => '1',
				'csv' => 'prodotti.csv',
				'entity' => '1',
				'separator' => ';',
				'multiple_value_separator' => ',',
                'iso_lang' => 'it',
                'match_ref' => '1',
                'regenerate' => '0',
                'sendemail' => '1',
				"type_value" => array(								
				  0 => 'reference',
				  1 => 'name',
                  2 => 'price',
                  3 => 'quantity'


        echo "called AdminImport and POST datas...";

//write response output on file
    $file = fopen("importProducts.log", "w");
    fwrite($file, $response);
    $request = null;




I'm not php programmer and don't know Prestashop project structure, i'm studying php and prestashop for this reason need some help..  
I can understand most of online code,  and can reuse php scripts .. i think problem is that don't know very good php e prestashop, problem it's not money (i can pay anyone for doing this code) i want only support and  do it alone. 


If you can help me i'll thank you, if no it's ok .



Edited by yeye412 (see edit history)
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There's no description /description short  and i want to import all in main category (Home).. At this moment it's a simple php script , i can add anytime all product attributes.


Problem is on import action  by curl now ..

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not tested:


    $csv_file = file_get_contents('prodotti.csv');
    $data = explode("\n", $csv_file);
    $data = array_filter(array_map("trim", $data));
    $default_language = Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT');
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($data as $csv) {
            if ($i < 2) {continue;}  // skip csv header
            $csv_values = explode(";", $csv);

            $reference = $csv_values[0];
            $name = $csv_values[1];
            $price = $csv_values[2];
            $quantity = $csv_values[3];
            $category = 2;
            $description = '';
            $description_short = '';
            $product_url = Tools::link_rewrite($name);
            $ean13 = '';
            $product_exists = Db::getInstance()->getValue("SELECT reference FROM "._DB_PREFIX_."product WHERE reference = '".$reference."'");
            if (empty($product_exists)) {
                    $action = 'insert';
                } else {
                    $action = 'update'; 
                    $product_id = Db::getInstance()->getValue("SELECT id_product FROM "._DB_PREFIX_."product WHERE reference = '".$reference."'");
            if ($action == 'insert') {
                    $product = new Product();
                    $product->reference = $reference;
                    $product->name = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->price = round($price,6);
                    $product->wholesale_price = '0.000000';
                    $product->quantity = $quantity;
                    $product->link_rewrite = [$default_language => $product_url];
                    $product->id_category = [$category];
                    $product->id_category_default = $category;
                    $product->description = [$default_language => $description];
                    $product->description_short = [$default_language => $description_short];
                    $product->meta_title = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->meta_description = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->meta_keywords = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->id_tax_rules_group = 0;
                    $product->redirect_type = '404';
                    $product->minimal_quantity = 1;
                    $product->show_price = 1;
                    $product->on_sale = 0;
                    $product->online_only = 0;
                    $product->ean13 = $ean13;
                    $product->active = 1;
                    if($product->add()) {
	                       StockAvailable::setQuantity((int)$product->id, 0, $product->quantity, Context::getContext()->shop->id);
                         $tag_list[] = str_replace('-',',',$product_url);
                         Tag::addTags($default_language, $product->id, $tag_list);
                    $link = new Link();
                    $url = $link->getProductLink($product->id);
                    echo 'inserted product id: '.$product->id.' | product url: <a href="'.$url.'" target="_blank">'.$url.'</a><br />';
              } // end insert
            if ($action == 'update') {
                    $product = new Product($product_id);
                    $product->reference = $reference;
                    $product->name = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->price = round($price,6);
                    $product->wholesale_price = '0.000000';
                    $product->quantity = $quantity;
                    $product->link_rewrite = [$default_language => $product_url];
                    $product->id_category = [$category];
                    $product->id_category_default = $category;
                    $product->description = [$default_language => $description];
                    $product->description_short = [$default_language => $description_short];
                    $product->meta_title = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->meta_description = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->meta_keywords = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->id_tax_rules_group = 0;
                    $product->redirect_type = '404';
                    $product->minimal_quantity = 1;
                    $product->show_price = 1;
                    $product->on_sale = 0;
                    $product->online_only = 0;
                    $product->ean13 = $ean13;
                    $product->active = 1;
                    if($product->update()) {
	                       StockAvailable::setQuantity((int)$product->id, 0, $product->quantity, Context::getContext()->shop->id);
                         $tag_list[] = str_replace('-',',',$product_url);
                         Tag::addTags($default_language, $product->id, $tag_list);
                    $link = new Link();
                    $url = $link->getProductLink($product->id);
                    echo 'updated product id: '.$product->id.' | product url: <a href="'.$url.'" target="_blank">'.$url.'</a><br />';
              }  // end update
        } // end foreach


Edited by Guest
updated script (see edit history)
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  On 4/14/2020 at 5:12 PM, Guest said:

not tested:


    $csv_file = file_get_contents('prodotti.csv');
    $data = explode("\n", $csv_file);
    $data = array_filter(array_map("trim", $data));
    $default_language = Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT');
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($data as $csv) {
            if ($i < 2) {continue;}  // skip csv header
            $csv_values = explode(";", $csv);

            $reference = $csv_values[0];
            $name = $csv_values[1];
            $price = $csv_values[2];
            $quantity = $csv_values[3];
            $category = 2;
            $description = '';
            $description_short = '';
            $product_url = Tools::link_rewrite($name);
            $ean13 = '';
            $product_exists = Db::getInstance()->getValue("SELECT reference FROM "._DB_PREFIX_."product WHERE reference = '".$reference."'");
            if (empty($product_exists)) {
                    $action = 'insert';
                } else {
                    $action = 'update'; 
                    $product_id = Db::getInstance()->getValue("SELECT id_product FROM "._DB_PREFIX_."product WHERE reference = '".$reference."'");
            if ($action == 'insert') {
                    $product = new Product();
                    $product->reference = $reference;
                    $product->name = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->price = round($price,6);
                    $product->wholesale_price = '0.000000';
                    $product->quantity = $quantity;
                    $product->link_rewrite = [$default_language => $product_url];
                    $product->id_category = [$category];
                    $product->id_category_default = $category;
                    $product->description = [$default_language => $description];
                    $product->description_short = [$default_language => $description_short];
                    $product->meta_title = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->meta_description = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->meta_keywords = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->id_tax_rules_group = 0;
                    $product->redirect_type = '404';
                    $product->minimal_quantity = 1;
                    $product->show_price = 1;
                    $product->on_sale = 0;
                    $product->online_only = 0;
                    $product->ean13 = $ean13;
                    $product->active = 1;
                    if($product->add()) {
	                       StockAvailable::setQuantity((int)$product->id, 0, $product->quantity, Context::getContext()->shop->id);
                         $tag_list[] = str_replace('-',',',$product_url);
                         Tag::addTags($default_language, $product->id, $tag_list);
                    $link = new Link();
                    $url = $link->getProductLink($product->id);
                    echo 'inserted product id: '.$product->id.' | product url: <a href="'.$url.'" target="_blank">'.$url.'</a><br />';
              } // end insert
            if ($action == 'update') {
                    $product = new Product($product_id);
                    $product->reference = $reference;
                    $product->name = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->price = round($price,6);
                    $product->wholesale_price = '0.000000';
                    $product->quantity = $quantity;
                    $product->link_rewrite = [$default_language => $product_url];
                    $product->id_category = [$category];
                    $product->id_category_default = $category;
                    $product->description = [$default_language => $description];
                    $product->description_short = [$default_language => $description_short];
                    $product->meta_title = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->meta_description = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->meta_keywords = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->id_tax_rules_group = 0;
                    $product->redirect_type = '404';
                    $product->minimal_quantity = 1;
                    $product->show_price = 1;
                    $product->on_sale = 0;
                    $product->online_only = 0;
                    $product->ean13 = $ean13;
                    $product->active = 1;
                    if($product->update()) {
	                       StockAvailable::setQuantity((int)$product->id, 0, $product->quantity, Context::getContext()->shop->id);
                         $tag_list[] = str_replace('-',',',$product_url);
                         Tag::addTags($default_language, $product->id, $tag_list);
                    $link = new Link();
                    $url = $link->getProductLink($product->id);
                    echo 'updated product id: '.$product->id.' | product url: <a href="'.$url.'" target="_blank">'.$url.'</a><br />';
              }  // end update
        } // end foreach



Hi @Guest,

i tested it , first time it doesn't work , i don't know why , but  include('./init.php'); broke the script.

If someone has problems just have to remove init include , because script seems doesn't need init.php for work.

I want to thanks again to Tengler and will set post as SOLVED :) .


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If you have a script in the Prestashop directory, it says ./
If you create a folder in the main directory it is ./../
If you create a folder in the modules folder, it is ./../../

Dots replace the path from the folder where the file is.

for example, you create a subfolder in the modules folder


The path of the init.php file will also be:


Look in the ./config/defines.inc.php file.
There you will see how the dots can be replaced.
$ currentDir = dirname (___FILE__);
the file path from the sample above would be:
include (realpath ($currentDir. '/../ init.php));

Edited by Guest (see edit history)
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  On 4/16/2020 at 3:46 AM, Guest said:

If you have a script in the Prestashop directory, it says ./
If you create a folder in the main directory it is ./../
If you create a folder in the modules folder, it is ./../../

Dots replace the path from the folder where the file is.

for example, you create a subfolder in the modules folder


The path of the init.php file will also be:


Look in the ./config/defines.inc.php file.
There you will see how the dots can be replaced.
$ currentDir = dirname (___FILE__);
the file path from the sample above would be:
include (realpath ($currentDir. '/../ init.php));


Yes I know directory navigation and I set correctly path.

Why it works with no including init.php?  Maybe script doesn't need it (?) for this reason I commented it at this moment.

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  • 6 months later...
  On 4/14/2020 at 5:12 PM, Guest said:

not tested:


    $csv_file = file_get_contents('prodotti.csv');
    $data = explode("\n", $csv_file);
    $data = array_filter(array_map("trim", $data));
    $default_language = Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT');
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($data as $csv) {
            if ($i < 2) {continue;}  // skip csv header
            $csv_values = explode(";", $csv);

            $reference = $csv_values[0];
            $name = $csv_values[1];
            $price = $csv_values[2];
            $quantity = $csv_values[3];
            $category = 2;
            $description = '';
            $description_short = '';
            $product_url = Tools::link_rewrite($name);
            $ean13 = '';
            $product_exists = Db::getInstance()->getValue("SELECT reference FROM "._DB_PREFIX_."product WHERE reference = '".$reference."'");
            if (empty($product_exists)) {
                    $action = 'insert';
                } else {
                    $action = 'update'; 
                    $product_id = Db::getInstance()->getValue("SELECT id_product FROM "._DB_PREFIX_."product WHERE reference = '".$reference."'");
            if ($action == 'insert') {
                    $product = new Product();
                    $product->reference = $reference;
                    $product->name = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->price = round($price,6);
                    $product->wholesale_price = '0.000000';
                    $product->quantity = $quantity;
                    $product->link_rewrite = [$default_language => $product_url];
                    $product->id_category = [$category];
                    $product->id_category_default = $category;
                    $product->description = [$default_language => $description];
                    $product->description_short = [$default_language => $description_short];
                    $product->meta_title = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->meta_description = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->meta_keywords = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->id_tax_rules_group = 0;
                    $product->redirect_type = '404';
                    $product->minimal_quantity = 1;
                    $product->show_price = 1;
                    $product->on_sale = 0;
                    $product->online_only = 0;
                    $product->ean13 = $ean13;
                    $product->active = 1;
                    if($product->add()) {
	                       StockAvailable::setQuantity((int)$product->id, 0, $product->quantity, Context::getContext()->shop->id);
                         $tag_list[] = str_replace('-',',',$product_url);
                         Tag::addTags($default_language, $product->id, $tag_list);
                    $link = new Link();
                    $url = $link->getProductLink($product->id);
                    echo 'inserted product id: '.$product->id.' | product url: <a href="'.$url.'" target="_blank">'.$url.'</a><br />';
              } // end insert
            if ($action == 'update') {
                    $product = new Product($product_id);
                    $product->reference = $reference;
                    $product->name = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->price = round($price,6);
                    $product->wholesale_price = '0.000000';
                    $product->quantity = $quantity;
                    $product->link_rewrite = [$default_language => $product_url];
                    $product->id_category = [$category];
                    $product->id_category_default = $category;
                    $product->description = [$default_language => $description];
                    $product->description_short = [$default_language => $description_short];
                    $product->meta_title = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->meta_description = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->meta_keywords = [$default_language => $name];
                    $product->id_tax_rules_group = 0;
                    $product->redirect_type = '404';
                    $product->minimal_quantity = 1;
                    $product->show_price = 1;
                    $product->on_sale = 0;
                    $product->online_only = 0;
                    $product->ean13 = $ean13;
                    $product->active = 1;
                    if($product->update()) {
	                       StockAvailable::setQuantity((int)$product->id, 0, $product->quantity, Context::getContext()->shop->id);
                         $tag_list[] = str_replace('-',',',$product_url);
                         Tag::addTags($default_language, $product->id, $tag_list);
                    $link = new Link();
                    $url = $link->getProductLink($product->id);
                    echo 'updated product id: '.$product->id.' | product url: <a href="'.$url.'" target="_blank">'.$url.'</a><br />';
              }  // end update
        } // end foreach



Hi,  if i want import 2 lang how ajust this script?

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You must use a ps_product_lang database entry.
I don't know how your language is marked in the CSV file.
Want advice but no information?
Please consider and complete all information about your CSV file.

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  On 11/6/2020 at 8:27 AM, Guest said:


You must use a ps_product_lang database entry.
I don't know how your language is marked in the CSV file.
Want advice but no information?
Please consider and complete all information about your CSV file.


Thaks for reply, this is csv file

lista de campos de productos Ejemplo.xlsxFetching info...

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  • 2 months later...


Is this possible to altered for adding/updating product with combinations?

(each product has 1 combination of 3 options.. eg.. size: one two three)

for each product i will have the base product price on 0.. and alter the price depending the 'size' (+x amount on impact on price with tax of combination)

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  • 7 months later...


Je suis d'accord.

But on ps_pack, we can make a unique product thanks to the double key (see image) :



So it can be possible to import data thanks to csv ?

I just ask how we can do it ?

Because, I know somes of files PHP, that can be edited and can adapt this import. But not all.




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id_product_pack = owner id_product (ps_product)

id_product_item = pack id_product (ps_product)

id_product_attribute_item = pack id_product_attribute (ps_product_attribute)

In order to populate the ps_pack table, you first need to know the id_product that will be composed of the product package. Then you need to know the id_product part of the package and possibly the id_product_attribute.

CSV pack sample:




15 = owner product


Prestashop function:

Pack::addItem($id_product, $id_item, $qty, $id_attribute_item = 0);


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  • 10 months later...
  On 11/6/2020 at 4:22 PM, neilrodriguez said:

Un consejo para mejorar vuestro coeficiente en SEO: cuando traduzcáis no utilicéis un traductor o modulo (AI), a parte de no entenderse los motores de búsqueda os bajan el coeficiente -> no sois tan fácil de encontrar en Google (p.ej.). Emplead a un nativo (por cada idioma), bien a través de agencia, bien a través de alguna app (p.ej. Fiverr). ¡Saludos!

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  On 11/6/2020 at 8:27 AM, Guest said:


You must use a ps_product_lang database entry.
I don't know how your language is marked in the CSV file.
Want advice but no information?
Please consider and complete all information about your CSV file.


Thank you so much "Guest"!

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  • 2 weeks later...

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