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Ajax Cart popup isn't display shipping cost, Imp.


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Good afternoon


Partners, I have a weird issue,   the cart popup isn't show the imp, and the shipping cost , only the total,  i don't know where I add it ??



I want to show in ajax cart popup  like this 



I tested all themes in my prestashop and the result are the same, so I didn't think the issue is about the theme

how the activate that ? 



EDIT:  I solved it , editing ps_shoppingcart.tpl in the theme,    much of the products in Prestashop Store are buggy more than Wordpress modules and themes, I don't know why the prestashop store sell everything single things ,  most of the products in the store are buggy and incompleted themes or modules, when you need to complete an incomplete function then their developers asking $$ money to add some code that he must added when put the product on the prestashop store,   that's a bad thing about this cms in the store, so bad.

I added the code which display the information in the popup cart,   this needs to be added by the author no by me,   I repeat it's bad to sell imcomplete products on the store.


Edited by saviorcode (see edit history)
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