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Payment module creating order before payment process


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Hi all,

I have just upgraded a site to 1.7, and also upgraded to a new Worldpay payment module.

We have found that as soon as the customer enters the external Worldpay process, the order is created.

This seems wrong, and the order should be created after the payment process has been completed.
This is causing issues as the customer and employees gets an order confirmation email even if they don't complete the payment process, and a new ordered is entered into the system even if it is abandoned.

Can anyone confirm if this behaviour if right or wrong? The developer wont really budge at the moment it seems.


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12 hours ago, Guest said:

This behavior is not correct.
This should be fixed by the module developer.

Link to the module you purchased?

Hi, the module is not on the Prestashop addons store. I wont name and shame yet, I will give the developer a chance to fix.

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There are actually Modules that create an order before payment is done. The order is set to a waiting status. As soon as the payment is received, the order is switched to active and paid. The behavior is not wrong, its just not common. I actually have one of those modules but the modues allows you to turn that feature on or off. . 

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  • 11 months later...

Hi DanGB,

Just reading through your post from last year, and I'm about to do a similar thing: upgrade from 1.6 to 1.7 and update my WorldPay module.

My original WorldPay module was the 'official' one from Prestashop, and even though it says it works with 1.7, it's from 2018 and it won't install on without throwing an error. It is now no longer listed on the addons site.

There is just one module now listed for WorldPay on addons, and it looks almost identical to the one I'm currently using, but of course I'm going to have to buy it again despite already owning it.

I was interested to know whether your module is now working OK and, if it isn't the one listed on the addons store, where did you get it from?

Many thanks,


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