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Numbering problem after duplicate block bestseller, please help...

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Hello Sir/Madam,

I got the numbering problem after I duplicate the block bestseller. The second block does not sort and numbering separately, but it depends to first block. I have attached the image. For example: The first block got the number: 1, 2, 3, & 4. The second block will start from: 5, 6,7... but not from 1, 2, 3...

I have looked around the php & tpl files, but I still failed to solve this problem.

I am using PS V1.3.6. Please help and advice how can I correct this coding problem. Thank you very much.


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I tried to look around all the files related to the bestseller block, and I found that the problem might be possibility caused by the code below at blockbestsellers.tpl, but I do not understand what it mean at all, please help and advice:

{if $smarty.foreach.myLoop.iteration<=9}{counter}{else}{counter}{/if}. >

Please advice, thank you very much.

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