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Reference number on all invoices same !


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Ok, thank you.

It is best to find out the reference numbers stored in the database.

Change table prefix ps_ to your table prefix and change c.id_lang = 1 to your lang id.

SELECT a.id_product, c.name, a.reference AS product_reference, b.reference AS attribute_reference FROM ps_product a
left join ps_product_attribute b ON a.id_product = b.id_product
left join ps_product_lang c ON (a.id_product = c.id_product AND c.id_lang = 1)
group by a.id_product
order by a.reference


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You mean, like, are there items with the same reference numbers in store?

All items in store are with different numbers -> 100%. ( I checked )

When customer make purchase , on invoice  always comes same number  -> all the time this -> 311020025. ( like on picture attached), but in product catalog is different - right ref. number.

Its very Strange why this is happening.


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Didn't you install an invoice-editing module?

If so, I will need to upload an FTP file here ./override/classes/order/OrderInvoice.php.
If not, I need the ./classes/order/OrderInvoice.php file

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16 minutes ago, Guest said:

Didn't you install an invoice-editing module?

If so, I will need to upload an FTP file here ./override/classes/order/OrderInvoice.php.
If not, I need the ./classes/order/OrderInvoice.php file

No, i think its happen after SEO optimization module, but after this I have uninstalled this module 

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File invoice.product-tab.tpl is good.

Check DB:

SELECT * FROM `ps_order_detail` WHERE reference = '311020025'

If it does not find more values for one order, the error will be in the wrong uninstallation of SEO module.
In this case, you will need to hire someone for repair.
This is where we will discuss the week and the repair could be done in 10-20 minutes.

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Faster will use php script.
Save it to FTP in the Prestashop root folder.
Then enter your domain and script path in the browser's address bar, eg https://mydomain.com/myscript.php

  ini_set('display_errors', 1);
  ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
  $order_id = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('select id_order, product_attribute_id, product_reference, product_id from '._DB_PREFIX_.'order_detail order by id_order');
  foreach ($order_id as $order)
     $product_reference = '';
     if ($order['product_attribute_id'] == '0')
       $product_reference = Db::getInstance()->getValue('select reference from '._DB_PREFIX_.'product where id_product = '.$order['product_id']);
       if ($product_reference)
          Db::getInstance()->Execute('update '._DB_PREFIX_.'order_detail set product_reference = '.$product_reference);
          echo 'order id: '.$order['id_order'].' - product reference: '.$product_reference.'<br />';
       $product_reference = Db::getInstance()->getValue('select reference from '._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute where id_product = '.$order['product_id'].' AND id_product_attribute = '.$order['product_attribute_id']);
       if ($product_reference)
          Db::getInstance()->Execute('update '._DB_PREFIX_.'order_detail set product_reference = '.$product_reference);
          echo 'order id: '.$order['id_order'].' - product reference: '.$product_reference.'<br />';


My tested result:


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