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[RESOLVED] override formatPrice

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This is my second module development, I'm trying to override the core function (Context::getContext()->currentLocale->formatPrice(123.45, 'EUR');)

I can't find a solution to override core with a module. Can anyone point me where to look at ?

In my case I want the price calculated by some rules, no based on value inserted in product's table

Thank you for your help.

Edited by bedford (see edit history)
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9 minutes ago, joseantgv said:

Do you want to modify the price amount or the price format?

thank you for quick answer. I want to modify price amount.

In fact the price amount in my case is a sort of calculation (provider price, provider currency change, margin). Also for some currencies I've to round to 5 cents (10.00, 10.05, 10.10, etc...) and I think I can do at the same place

Thank you for your help

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2 minutes ago, joseantgv said:

What do you mean with "grouped products"?

I'll have a product which is a group of other products: Example 2 distincts products, chair and office desk, car be purchased separately but also as a grouped product (combined product) at a special discounted price. with 2 physical products I'll have 3 product for sale on my store. If chair is 50.50€ and office desk 150.50€ (but calculated 50.52 and 150.52), will the grouped price be 201 or 201.05 ?

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