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Ricerca Ordini per Range ID


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Nella scheda " Ordini " tra i vari filtri ( id,cliente,stato etcc ) vorrei aggiungere un filtro che mi consenta di filtrare gli ordini in base ad un range di ID

Esempio da ordine 620800 a 621800.

Riuscite a darmi un aiuto?

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there is possible to make it more elegant ( as Products list) but it means more changes. This solution is more general, but need at least the minimal knowledge of sql

1)at first make backup of files:
 a) /themes/default/template/helpers/list/list_header.tpl
 b) /controller/AdminController.php
2) change the /themes/default/template/helpers/list/list_header.tpl file this way:

{* ------------- line 371 ----------------- *}
								{elseif $params.type == 'select'}
									{if isset($params.filter_key)}
										<select class="filter{if isset($params.align) && $params.align == 'center'}center{/if}" onchange="$('#submitFilterButton{$list_id}').focus();$('#submitFilterButton{$list_id}').click();" name="{$list_id}Filter_{$params.filter_key}" {if isset($params.width)} style="width:{$params.width}px"{/if}>
											<option value="" {if $params.value == ''} selected="selected" {/if}>-</option>
											{if isset($params.list) && is_array($params.list)}
												{foreach $params.list AS $option_value => $option_display}
													<option value="{$option_value}" {if (string)$option_display === (string)$params.value ||  (string)$option_value === (string)$params.value} selected="selected"{/if}>{$option_display}</option>
{* ------------- added own filter ----------------- *}
									{if isset($params.whereFilter)&&$params.whereFilter}
									<div class="row">
										<div class="input-group fixed-width-md center">
{* ------------- origin line ----------------- *}
											<input type="text" class="filter" name="{$list_id}Filter_{if isset($params.filter_key)}{$params.filter_key}{else}{$key}{/if}" value="{$params.value|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" {if isset($params.width) && $params.width != 'auto'} style="width:{$params.width}px"{/if} />
{* ------------- origin line ----------------- *}
									{if isset($params.whereFilter)&&$params.whereFilter}
										<div class="input-group fixed-width-md center">
											<input type="text" class="filter" name="{$list_id}Filter_whereFilter" value="{if (string)$params.whereFilter === '1'}{else}{$params.whereFilter|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}" {if isset($params.width) && $params.width != 'auto'} style="width:{$params.width}px"{/if} />
{* ------------- end of own filter ----------------- *}

3) change the /controller/AdminController.php this way:

a) add new function:

   private function  setWhereFilterValue($value)
        foreach ($this->fields_list as $k => $v) {
            if ($v['whereFilter']) {
                $this->fields_list[$k]['whereFilter'] = $value;

b) modify processFilter() function

public function processFilter()
        foreach ($filters as $key => $value) {
            /* Extracting filters from $_POST on key filter_ */
            if ($value != null && !strncmp($key, $prefix . $this->list_id . 'Filter_', 7 + Tools::strlen($prefix . $this->list_id))) {
                $key = Tools::substr($key, 7 + Tools::strlen($prefix . $this->list_id));
                /* Table alias could be specified using a ! eg. alias!field */
                $tmp_tab = explode('!', $key);
                $filter = count($tmp_tab) > 1 ? $tmp_tab[1] : $tmp_tab[0];

                if ($field = $this->filterToField($key, $filter)) {

/* added own filter , that includes sql comentary to be able to remove it if "whereFilter" contains SQL error */
                    if ($key=='whereFilter') {
                        $sql_filter .= '/* custom whereFilter */ AND (' . $value . ') /* whereFilter end*/';
/* end own filter  */


c) modify getList(..) function

    public function getList(
        $order_by = null,
        $order_way = null,
        $start = 0,
        $limit = null,
        $id_lang_shop = false
    ) {

            $this->_list = Db::getInstance()->executeS($this->_listsql, true, false);

/*  Backdoor - if whereFilter is present and SQL query contains error, remove whereFilter from query */
            if ($this->_list === false) {

                if (strpos($whereClause, '/* custom whereFilter */') !== false) {
                    $this->_list_error = Db::getInstance()->getMsgError();
                    $pattern = '/\/\* custom whereFilter (.)* whereFilter end\*\//i';
                    $this->_listsql = preg_replace($pattern, '', $this->_listsql);
                    $list_count = preg_replace($pattern, '', $list_count);
                    $this->_list = Db::getInstance()->executeS($this->_listsql, true, false);
/*  end of backdoor  */
            if ($this->_list === false) {
                $this->_list_error = Db::getInstance()->getMsgError();


4) set own filter (f.e. into order list) - i.e. /controllers/admin/AdminOrdersController.php this way:

    public function __construct()
        $this->fields_list = array(
            'id_order' => array(
                'title' => $this->trans('ID', array(), 'Admin.Global'),
                'align' => 'text-center',
/* added own filter */
                'whereFilter' => '1',
/* added own filter */
                'class' => 'fixed-width-xs',

Result looks like:


example of own filter:

(id_order>500) AND (id_order<1000)

but you can also filter other fields

(total_paid_tax_incl >40000)

(total_paid_tax_incl >400) and (total_paid_tax_incl<1000)

the rule for correct name of fields is simple: (inspect element field you want to filter)

if the name of input contains exclamation you will replace it with dot

( c.company like '%IBM%') OR ( c.company like '%AMD%')




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