something like that (customize fields, id_lang and output file)
SELECT "id_customer", "id_gender", "id_lang", "company", "firstname", "lastname", "email", "active", "is_guest", "id_country","country", "acompany", "alastname", "afirstname" , "address1", "address2", "postcode", "city", "phone", "phone_mobile", "vat_number", "aactive", "adeleted" union all select * from( SELECT c.`id_customer`, c.`id_gender`, c.`id_lang`, if(c.`company` is null,"",c.`company`) , c.`firstname`, c.lastname, c.`email`, c.`active`, c.`is_guest`, a.`id_country`,, if(a.`company` is null,"",a.`company`), a.`lastname` as alastname, a.`firstname` as afirstname, `address1`, if(a.`address2` is null,"",a.`address2`) , `postcode`, `city`, `phone`, `phone_mobile`, `vat_number`, a.`active` as aactive, a.`deleted` as adeleted FROM `ps_customer` c join `ps_address` a on c.id_customer = a.id_customer join ps_country_lang cl on cl.id_country = a.id_country and cl.id_lang= 1 WHERE a.deleted=0 and and c.deleted = 0 and order by, c.lastname,c.firstname ) as cust INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/customers.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'