biek Posted April 6, 2011 Share Posted April 6, 2011 I am frustrated, every time i go to new line i press enter and that's should work in catalog. But in the product page (FO) there is always this black diamond with question mark inside instead of empty line.I had problems with some other characters as well, but only in footer, so i changed them with HTML codes € = € and so on... and so on for čžš.... i am frustrated please help. I am using slovenian language, but it is the same if i change to any other.And product descriptions, where the problem exist were copied from previous shop. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
biek Posted April 6, 2011 Author Share Posted April 6, 2011 here is the html from product description. PREDNAROČILO Igra izide predvidoma jeseni 2011! Ekspresna dostava! Igre s tem simbolom so na zalogi in vam bodo poslane kar se da hitro. CD-Key / Serijska je skenirana slika originalne embalaže. To dokazuje, da ste resnično 100% lastnik igre. EA Download: CD-Key iz naše spletne trgovine je uraden EA Retail Key. Aktivirate ga preko EA Download Manager (EADM; omogoča igranje na uradnih EA strežnikih, vaša igra pa bo stalno posodobljena z najnovejšimi popravki preko EA Download Manager platforme. Za aktivacijo našega CD-Keyja preko EA portala na računalnik brezplačno prenesite EA Download Manager, ustvarite nov Electronic Arts račun ali se prijavite v svoj že obstoječi račun. Kliknite Activation (Aktivacija) in vnesite vaš CD-Key. Navodila za aktivacijo Registrirajte unikaten račun na spletni strani založnika igre. Registriran račun vam skupaj z našim CD-Keyjem omogoča, da igro iz založnikovega strežnika prenesete 100% legalno. Prenos igre na noben način ni omejen: Igro lahko prenesete na katerikoli računalnik, brez časovnih ali drugih omejitev razen, če je to določeno že v opisu igre. Opis <object width="425" height="350" data="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></object> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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