Im so newbie at php and i want show the reference of each product on a near/visible place around button add to cart and price. So
so i did the next modification:
My version of PS is
1) File "only-reference.tpl" created on next location: /themes/newyork_home1/templates/catalog/_partials/only-reference.tpl
and writed the next code inside the file:
{if isset($product.reference_to_display)} <div class="product-reference"> <label class="label">{l s='Reference' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'} </label> <span itemprop="sku">{$product.reference_to_display}</span> </div> {/if}
2) Modify the next file: /themes/newyork_home1/templates/catalog/product.tpl
and insert this code:
{block name='only-reference'}
{include file='catalog/_partials/only-reference.tpl'}
The result...? yes the reference is on the correct place now, but it doesnt refresh when i change to other combination of the product, so i need help to fix it.