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All fields not being saved on when saving Import configuration (

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I have a large number of items to upload, and a large number of feature fields as well. When I go through the list of fields, and map all the fields in the CSV import section, when I save the config, it does not save the 10+ feature fields, requireing me to go through and re-name them each time.

Is there a way around this? It takes quite a while.



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Same problem here. I spent lot of time figuring this. The problem is that internally the code is iterating through a list of column names and you should have the same order (as per the code) in order to save your columns.


Additionally, seems the feature names aren't saved. If you specify a column to be imported as a feature and specify a name, the next time the name would not appear. I checked this in the database and the problem is that no name is saved in the ps_import_match

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