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change combination reference code to regular reference code in admin prestashop 1.7.6


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I have little difficulties, I have admin order with Prestashop version 1.7.6, in the admin order as Prestashop rules that the reference code for the products with the combination is coming through product options but I want to show instead of that reference what is the regular reference code of the product like its coming for the product who have not product options.

I know where is the combination reference code into the admin end if I will change it will work like regular but there are 900+ products so I just want to make it correct with code


And here is the code of the admin order : file path : loclhost/pre7/admin231nuevxm/themes/default/template/controllers/orders/_product_line.tpl

<a href="{$link->getAdminLink('AdminProducts', true, ['id_product' => $product['product_id']|intval, 'updateproduct' => '1'])|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> <span class="productName">{$product['product_name']}</span><br /> {if $product.product_reference}{l s='Reference number:' d='Admin.Orderscustomers.Feature'} {$product.product_reference}<br />{/if} {if $product.product_supplier_reference}{l s='Supplier reference:' d='Admin.Orderscustomers.Feature'} {$product.product_supplier_reference}{/if} </a>


{$product.product_reference} this is the variable I want to make it a regular reference, unfortunately, it's same for regular and combination

I have tried regular reference code {$product->reference} into the product page and its working fine there but not working into the admin order.

please suggest me any solution






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