Good afternoon team,
we present you the portfolio module we have built a couple of years ago but lately we found
time to update it to be compatible with the latest versions.
It helps us use Presta in non-commercial projects (quite strange, right?) like a business presentation etc,
where undoubtedly WordPress is the king at the moment of composing this article.
You can browse the demo using the following link:
It has been submitted to addons and we are waiting for acceptance (validation by hand after the validator pass) within a couple of days.
Main features:
- You can lock a project so to be displayed only to logged users (gambling, alcohol, porn etc)
- Canonical plus hreflang (important for seo)
Its links are 100% multilingual (like homemade for products categories etc).
We have to emphasize in this feature because every content management module we have used
(even paid ones) are not entirely multilingual. They are like /en/blog/post and /el/blog/άρθρο when
ours is /en/portfolio/projects/project and /el/δείγμα-εργασιών/έργα/έργο respectively. - Responsive
- FIlters
- Ajax pagination
- Separate section for clients
- Many-to-many projects - clients relations
- Countdown (in case you wish to display a project that has not be delivered yet)
It has a minor issue (css related) with the images (when they do not have same dimensions but it will be addressed within the week. We will do it Pinterest-like so not to care about the dimensions at all.
Its price is 49 EUR.
We are waiting comments/suggestions.
Thank you in advance.