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Price displayed wrong in the category listing, but OK on the product page, or if added to cart

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As the title says, I have this problem - among many others - with prices display.

For some products, not all, the price is shown incorectly when the products are displayed in the category listing - see first picture. (the prices for the products in the foto should be identical, 185 lei is not correct, the corect price is 100 lei)

Upon entering the product page, the price is correctly shown, 100lei, and will go to cart with the correct price. - see second foto.

Has anybody else has encoutered this problem?



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I forgot to mention. There seems to be a way to correct this problem - but only for one product at a time.
What I have to do is to go to the BO, to the product page, and creat an atribute for this product - any kind of atribute. Then, delete the atribute, and the price turns back to normal.
But it seems that the problem is recurrent, and it keeps appearing on other products.
I have a regular Presta Theme, and only 2 custom module - PrestaQuickUpdate, that I have uninstalled now, and "Power User".

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there,
i've a fresh new prestashop 1.4 installed and i've got this problem just today ! It's incredible, with no reasons some products have WRONG price in the product_list template and in homeFeatured module ... i try adding and delete attribute for product with this bug, and this trick has worked well, but i can't do for 40 products affected by this strange problem ...
Anyone knows if this is a bug and if it has been tracked ?
Thank's !

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i looked further into the upgrading and i found that the msql layout for earlier versions of presta are differant to the way prestashop 1.4 so there are definately problems starting fom there on, for example the way they laout customer info in pre 1.4 version is entirely a differant format in 1.4 so things dont match or incorrect information is added the the msql without errors, for example the customers name for pre 1.4 is in a differant slot in 1.4 so u might end up with their name where their street should be etc and iam guessing this is apparent throughtout the entire 1.4 format
i am now currently in the process of adding over 100 products to my new 1.4 fresh install because of the msql differances i am having to add them all manually its going to take me a long time to change everything

this i think is one of the reasons the discount is showing in admin but not in the shop, msql differance

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