Hi all,
I have installed and assigned 3 modules to that hook. I'm seeing in the database all modules are assigned to the hook. The problem is that there is no way i can load the hook in products tab and to show that Modules tab with the options.
I'm with v. , PHP 7.3 .
So far i tested.
- All cache off. BO , the server everything.
- Disabled all none PS modules and overrides
- Switch PHP versions.
- Different hacks in Hook.php
- Many other things
In debug mode i see only 5 hooks loading in Product.
QuotemoduleRoutes, displayBackOfficeHeader, actionAdminControllerSetMedia, displayAdminNavBarBeforeEnd, displayAdminAfterHeader
Here is the database query what i use for the check and is all good there - it returns that i have modules attached .
SELECT * FROM `ps4e_hook_module` hm INNER join ps4e_hook h on hm.id_hook = h.id_hook WHERE h.name like 'displayAdminProductsExtra';
Here is one of the modules that i use for testing.
Any ideas how to continue debugging would be appreciated.