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Shipping cost by product

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Can I, with the lasts version of prestashop 1.4, define the shipping cost depending on the volume of the products? In the last newsletter of prestashop I read that it will be possible in this version, but i could found it yet. I only have seen that I can define the volume of the products inside de catalogo, but after in the part of transport of the BO I only can choose bettween the weight or the price of the products, Isn´t it possible choose depending on the total volume?

Could someone help me with this topic?

Thanks a lot for the attention

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  • 3 weeks later...

As far as I know, shipping by volume is not built into the default shipping methods.

I am currently working on a shipping module that lets you define shipping cost by country state and zipcode (or ranges), and it can support shipping by volume, but will require some custom work.

You can email or PM me for more info.

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