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Extra product on product page


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Hi everyone, I am new to the forum. I have searched my query but cannot seem to find my answer.

I am curious if there is a way or a module that will allow me to do the following. I would like to put an option on a product page to allow a person to purchase another item that would commonly be bought with the product people are purchasing. I know this can be done with attributes but in terms of stock levels this would be better if an extra product could be listed on the page of a product. I hope this makes sense.


I am using Prestashop


Many thanks

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Thanks I have had a look. I may have to contact the developer to see if this will do what I need. Seems a little annoying to have to pay for another module when I have already purchased a template that I should be able to have fixed. If needs must though, then so be it, I need to get it working. This is sucking up so much of my time. I feel I cannot progress further with product inventory until I know it will all work as I want it to.

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