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migration 1.7.6 SSL_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR_ALER ["resolved"]T


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Hi every body

I have Prestashop I want migreted my shop to a new host.

I save all files and db. I have ulpoad all on new host.  i have modify app/config/parameters.php with new parameter bd pass word.

in db i have change shop_url with my new url in domain and domain ssl.

i have deleted  .htaccess

empty caches smarty without index.php

and now, when i want connect to prestashop

i have this alert message :


I obviously checked that it does not come from my browser cache by opening in a private browser window.

Has anyone ever faced this and would have a solution?



Solution : I have find a solution :  before export db, you have to change ssl to no in your shop. and after it's ok, the message not be appared and you can connect. I hope this psot will be useful to someone else.


Thank you

Edited by wd26 (see edit history)
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