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Migrate Prestashop 1.7 from local to server || 500 Error


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Hey guys, 

I'm trying to migrate my shop from local to an external server, but i keep getting 500 error. I followed the subsequent tutorials in order to complete the process:

1.- https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/603281-ps-1706-how-to-transfer-ps-17-from-localhost-to-server/ (where I got step by step how to proceed)

2.- https://www.sunnytoo.com/8148/how-to-transfer-or-move-prestashop-1-7-site-to-new-server (Based on this tutorial i learned to change the old addresses to the new one on the db.

3.- https://hostadvice.com/how-to/how-to-migrate-a-prestashop-site-from-local-host-to-live-server/ (Finally on this one to change the “.htaccess”.)

My localhost was on MAMP, just in order to create a reference if needed, but I still get 500 error.2001685236_CapturadePantalla2020-02-18ala(s)18_30_51.thumb.png.7939d2de02b49bf2af1ea46c92306834.png

When i do the debug control, changing this line  "define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false)" for true in the config/defines.inc.php file, my website frontend seems to work just fine, missing some pictures, but the backend not.


At this point really don't know what to do!

Can anyone know a possible solution?

Thanks guys


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3 hours ago, JBW said:

Whats your PHP Version? Please note the Prestashop is compatioble only up to 7.2 .

Have you deleted /var/cache after/before coping files?

Thanks JBW for the answer.

My PHP version 7.3.14, now we have brought it down to 7.2.2730584967_CapturadePantalla2020-02-19ala(s)10_09_52.thumb.png.333c7a55ff5279c4e20474a20a47cb63.png

But still ain't working.

No, I haven't deleted the var/cache folder. Should I delete the entire folder? Or the var/cache/dev || var/cache/prod || var/cache/.DS_store?

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5 hours ago, EliasHM said:

My PHP version 7.3.14, now we have brought it down to 7.2.27

It should have solved the error message, did it?


5 hours ago, EliasHM said:

No, I haven't deleted the var/cache folder. Should I delete the entire folder? Or the var/cache/dev || var/cache/prod || var/cache/.DS_store?

You can delete complete cache folder, it will be regenerated at next page call. To be on safe side you can rename it to cache_old first

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18 hours ago, JBW said:

It should have solved the error message, did it?


You can delete complete cache folder, it will be regenerated at next page call. To be on safe side you can rename it to cache_old first

It did nor resolved the error, but I could find the reason.

When I created the database in my local server, the collation asked by prestashop was utf8mb4_general_ci, and by default my host provider was creating the database as utf8_unicode_ci therefore I was getting the error. 

Now I only have problems with certain media files.

Thanks again JBW.

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