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I can't import clients


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I have a problem with prestashop, it stopped importing clients with these errors:

- The email address [email protected] (ID: 1) can't be validated.

- The property Customer->my_address_required is empty.


I actually translated these in English from the Italian errors that I gat on my Italian site:

- L'indirizzo email [email protected] (ID: 1) non può essere convalidato.

- La proprietà Customer->my_address_required è vuota.


It actually imported a contact the first time, one email I imported for test, now there is now way it want's to import others. How can I fix this? 


- Joseph


Edited by kitfoxster
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hi thanks for the answer! I'm importing from the classic "advanced parameters > import > clients" using the template file generated from prestashop.

The columns match perfectly, but it doesn't import anything. Do you need server configs?


PS: I'm populating the file in google sheets, I don't know if the csv that it exports has some problems, but I don't think so. I've always exported from sheets without any problems, as a matter of fact I've always had problems with file exported by microsoft excel. mhh...

Edited by kitfoxster (see edit history)
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