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How to use templates from themes into a module front controller ?

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I need to create a custom page for a client on Prestashop, so I am using a module front controller, but I cannot find a way to call a template that I created in the theme, i.e, I created themes/mytheme/templates/custom_template.tpl (which call other templates of the theme) and I want to display this template in the module front controller like this:

public function initContent()
   // Exemple taken from the doc for a template belonging to the module

   // What I would like to do


Why I don't create a template inside the module folder ? Because I really need to use the template from the theme. Any one has a solution for this ?


Thanks a lot


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Use smarty extend in your module template.

Exemple : in /modules/{my_module}/views/templates/front/module_template.tpl

{extends file='catalog/listing/product-list.tpl'}

{block name='product_list_header'}
   <div class="my-header">....<div>

The module template 'module_template.tpl' use theme template 'product-list.tpl'.


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It work in module_name/views/templates/front  

You can try with this sample module https://github.com/frederic-benoist/fbsample_messageoftheday

In the front controller you can see :


And in the template :

{extends file=$layout}

{block name='content'}
  <section id="main" class="messages-list">
        <h1>{l s='Messages' mod='fbsample_messageoftheday'}</h1>
        <div class="card-columns">
        {foreach from=$messages item=message}
          <div class="card">
            <div class="card-header">{$message.title}</div>
            <div class="card-body">{$message.message|cleanHtml nofilter}</div>



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So we agree.

  • it works with extends
  • it doesn't work with include.

I think the right solution for @aymeric69001 would be:

  1. Create a template in the themes directory mytheme/templates/custom_template.tpl
  2. Create a template in the modules directory : mymodule/views/templates/front/my_controller.tpl

With in  mymodule/views/templates/front/my_controller.tpl  :

@extend "custom_template.tpl"
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Thanks, indeed it is working, but I changed my mind and would like to put these custom pages directly into my theme folder, so I will open a new thread on how to have a module belonging to the theme folder (in themes\mytheme\modules), be installed when the theme is installed.


But thank you anyway



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